Monday, June 28, 2010

Desert Power

There is a promising foundation named "Desertec" aimed at using the potential of deserts to provide solar power. Clean and renewable energy is good you know. The foundation has a good kickoff anyway,
Within 6 hours deserts receive more energy from the sun than humankind consumes within a year.

- Dr. Gerhard Knies

The project is promising because it was planned to be finished in 10 years but they say in 5 years, there will be ready and deployed collectors pumping electricity to Europe.


As I saw about the project from a blog post, one of the commentators wrote this,
Wow - is it me, or is this one of the few times you ever here of a government being ahead of schedule on a major renewable energy project. very impressive.

Yeap, in deed. By the way, "desert power" word reminds me of the adorable song "diesel power" by The Prodigy.

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